This redistributable installer for SQL Server Native Client installs the client components needed during run time to take advantage of new SQL Server code name ‘Denali’ features, and optionally installs the header files needed to develop an application that uses the SQL Server Native Client API. SQL Server Native Client should be used rather than Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) to create new applications or enhance existing applications that need to take advantage of SQL Server features such as Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS), Query Notifications, User-Defined Types (UDT), and XML data type support. It contains run-time support for applications using native-code APIs (ODBC, OLE DB and ADO) to connect to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, and SQL Server 2012. With the help of the above-mentioned steps, the SQL Server users can easily perform import and export operations on the data.Microsoft SQL Server Native Client (SQL Server Native Client) is a single dynamic-link library (DLL) containing both the SQL OLE DB provider and SQL ODBC driver. In Select Source Tables and Views window, select the table that you want to export.Server Name: Enter the name of the destination SQL Server. Excel version: Select the version of MS Excel.ĭestination: Select SQL Native Client 11.0 from the drop-down menu.Excel File Path: Browse the path of the Excel spreadsheet.Data Source: Enter Microsoft Excel as the database source.
Procedure to export SQL Server Database to Excel In this blog, we will describe the process to both export and import data from and into SQL Server 2014 with the help of Import Export wizard. The users can make use of SSIS for building extraction, transformation, loading packages and for creating packages to export SQL data to MS Excel spreadsheets or a different SQL Server database. It is a part of SQL Server Integration Services or SSIS. This wizard can copy the data from and to any kind of data source, which has a managed. The simplest way to import and export SQL Server database, is by using the Import and Export Wizard.
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